Media Luna New Films is a world sales company dedicated to independent films, which reflect the many differences and encounters among the world cultures to highlight the world‘s fascinating diversity.
We are searching for:
Assistant Sales Manager
Working place: at our offices in Cologne, full time or part-time
Job Description:
- B2B sales (Contacting/meeting clients, introducing the lineup, negotiating deals, preparing contracts and coordinating material delivery for the films sold, follow ups);
- Attending film markets (meeting sales clients as well as festival representatives and producers);
- Analysis of films, providing constructive feedback to the company;
- Coordinating the marketing materials for the international market (flyers, lineups, posters, postcards, etc.);
- Writing and proof-reading the creative texts (sales texts, synopses, press-releases, etc.)
- Working closely with the CEO and the other departments of the company on various tasks.
- Degree in Media Studies, Business or similar
- Experience is preferable
- Strong interest in the international film business
- High organizational skills and ability to work under pressure
- Excellent communication skills (also on the phone)
- Fluent in English, German as second language is preferable
- Good knowledge of the Microsoft Package (MS-Word, Excel, Outlook) and Apple software
- Permission to work in Germany is essential
If you would enjoy taking care of the above-described duties, please send your complete application, with motivation letter, CV with photo and salary expectation to:
Assistant Festival & Deliveries (F, M, D)
Working place: at our offices in Cologne, fulltime or part-time
Job Description:
- Festival Strategy, submissions and follow-up;
- Film Material Delivery Coordination at Media Luna’s delivery platform;
- Social Medias publishing, Website and Pitching room updates;
- Supervision of the production of promotional material (Catalogues, Advertisings, etc.);
- Ongoing communication with film festivals, producers, etc
- Strong interest in the international film business and its marketing/promotion;
- Very good organization and communicational skills
- Fluent in English
- Good knowledge of the Microsoft Package (MS-Word, Excel, Outlook)
- Knowledge of the Adobe Package (Photoshop/ InDesign) is preferable.
- Permission to work in Germany is essential;
If you would enjoy taking care of the above-described duties, please send your complete application, with motivation letter, CV with photo and salary expectation to:
Acquisition Manager Assistant (W/M/D).
Working place: at our offices in Cologne, fulltime or part-time
Job Description:
- Search and evaluate new films and/or projects worldwide, with emphasis on Spanish speaking countries;
- Content assessment of films and their international potential;
- Conducting negotiations with producers
- Degree in Media Studies or similar;
- Strong interest in films and film business;
- Good knowledge of the international and national film industry, with focus on Latin American productions;
- Organization, team-working orientation;
- Good communication skills (also at the telephone);
- Fluent in English, Spanish as second language is preferable;
- Unlimited permission to work in Germany
We look forward to receiving your complete application with a letter of motivation, salary expectation, references and photo to
Assistenz Office und Buchhaltung (F, M, D) in Cologne, Teilzeit
Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst zuerst die Assistenz bei der Vorbereitung der Buchhaltung, Rechnungsstellung, Kreditoren-und Debitorenbuchhaltung, Abwicklung und Kontrolle des Zahlungsverkehrs (Bankbuchhaltung), Reisekosten, sowie allgemeine Verwaltungsaufgaben. Zum Tätigkeitsfeld gehören ebenfalls die Mitwirkung bei der Antragsstellung und das Berichtswesen, die Erstellung von Abrechnungen, sowie der allgemeinen Büro-Materialabwicklung und der dazugehörenden allgemeinen Office-Tätigkeiten.
Ihr Profil: Idealerweise haben Sie eine Ausbildung zur/zum Medienassistent oder Kauffrau für audiovisuelle Medien oder Steuerfachgehilfe. Zudem sollten Sie über Englischkenntnisse verfügen. Persönliche Stärken: Auffassungsfähigkeit/-gabe, Selbständiges Arbeiten, Sorgfalt/Genauigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit. Zu Ihren Stärken zählen ebenfalls Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Lernbereitschaft und Teamgeist.
Wenn Sie sich gerne um die oben beschriebenen Aufgaben kümmern möchten, senden Sie bitte Ihre vollständige Bewerbung mit Motivationsschreiben, Lebenslauf mit Foto und Gehaltsvorstellung an: